Adivasi Congress Placed Deputation to CS, Not to Implement CAA in Tripura
- By Thetripurapost Desk, Agartala
- May 21, 2024
- 194
Adivasi Congress placed Deputation before the Chief Secretary of Tripurs JK Sina on Tuesday not to implement CAA in Tripura.
Speaking with the press Adivasi Congress said:
On the instructions of the Union Home Ministry, preparations have been made for the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act in the state. According to the Citizenship Act, on or before December 31, 2014, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Christians, Parsis and Buddhists from neighboring Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan who have come to live in India and are willing to take Indian citizenship should be verified and granted citizenship.
When people from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan get Indian citizenship, the people of ADC area will also share the rights that Indians have, including jobs.
Though the notification from the central government says that the CAA will not be applied to the ADC area, is there any guarantee that they will not allocate shares in that area in the future?
When a person will get citizenship through CAA who will restrict him/ her to take facilities in ADC areas? Is there any law? In this way tribals will remain like microscopic"