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First Time Ever in Tripura: Seminar Held on Transgenders' Issues in Agartala

A one-day seminar on the issues of LGBTQIA+  was organized  at Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhavan on Tuesday.

The seminar was organized by the Department of Social Welfare and Social Education department. This is the first time ever that such seminar has been organized in Tripura.

Secretary of Social Welfare and Social Education Tapas Roy, Director Lalfakhtalinga, Deputy Director of National Institute of Social Defense R Giriraj, Sneha Gupta Roy Member of Trans Gender Welfare Board and others were present in the seminar.

Sneha Gupta Roy, member of Tripura Transgender Welfare Board, said that this program has been organized for the first time after the formation of the board in Tripura. 

"Seminar have been organized mainly to increase educational awareness in the society. Moreover, today's seminar is organized to solve our various problems" she said.

Notable that On November 26, 2019, the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act (TPPRA), 2019 was passed by the Indian Parliament, which aims to protect the rights and welfare of transgender persons in the country.

The Act has been hailed as a significant step towards the inclusion and empowerment of transgender persons in India who have long been marginalised. A National Portal for Transgender Persons (NPTP) was launched so that people can apply for 'Transgender ID' online.

The Transgender Act defines a transgender person as a person whose gender does not match the sex assigned at birth, including trans men, trans women, genderqueer persons and persons with intersex variations. It also prohibits discrimination against transgender persons in education, employment, healthcare and access to public places such as public toilets and public transport.
One of the most important provisions of the Transgender Act is the right of transgender individuals to self-identify without the need for any medical certification or surgery. Under the Transgender Act, transgender individuals can apply for a certificate of identity, which will recognise their gender identity and allow them to access various social welfare schemes and rights provided by the government.

The Act also provides for the establishment of National and State Transgender Rights Commissions, which will work towards ensuring their safety and well-being

However the Transgender Act has faced criticism from transgender activists and human rights organisations. One of the most significant criticisms is that the Act criminalises begging, which is a significant source of income for many transgender persons who face discrimination in education and employment. Additionally, the Act does not provide for reservations for transgender persons in education and employment, which is essential to address the significant disadvantages faced by transgender persons.

The Transgender Act has also been criticised for failing to address the issue of gender-based violence faced by transgender persons. Despite the provision of protection from discrimination and violence, there is no specific mention of violence against transgender persons, which is a significant concern for the community.

The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 is a significant step towards the inclusion and empowerment of transgender persons in India. The Act recognises the right to self-identification. Prohibits discrimination. Provides for the establishment of transgender rights commissions.

However, the Act fails to address several critical issues faced by the transgender community, including reservation in education and employment, criminalisation of begging, and the issue of gender-based violence. The government is working towards addressing these concerns so that transgender persons in India can live a life of dignity and respect.

The Bar Council of India (BCI) passed a resolution on Sunday opposing legal recognition of gay marriage. BCI President Manan Kumar Mishra said that the resolution has been passed after holding a meeting with representatives of all state bar councils. The Bar Council has said that gay marriage is against our culture.