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"Foreign Students To Get Green Card"- Donald Trump Ahead of Election

Former US President Donald Trump seems to be a bit changed in the election environment. Issues on which he used to have an aggressive stance earlier, now his tone seems to be soft on such subjects. 

In a recent interview, Trump has said that he wants foreign students who are graduating from American colleges to get automatic green cards.
In a podcast called 'All-In', Trump was asked about the plan of companies to call better and talented people to America, to which he replied. 

Through this statement, Trump has changed his stand regarding Green Card i.e. permission to officially stay in America.

During the 2024 presidential election campaign, Trump has opposed the entry of immigrants into the US. His recent statement is completely opposite to his stance. Trump has accused immigrants living illegally in the country of committing crimes, stealing jobs and government resources and said that they are "poisoning the blood of our country." 

He has promised during the election campaign that if he is elected, he will run the largest deportation campaign in American history. Trump, who campaigned in this style against outsiders, suddenly changed.

Speaking in an interview on Thursday, Trump said that what I want to do and what I will do is that as soon as you graduate from an American college, you should get a green card to stay in America along with the degree. 

He said that junior colleges will also be included in this, and also said that I will start working on this from the first day of becoming the President. That is, if Trump wins the election, then this can prove beneficial for the students studying in America or the students going there in the future. Because the American green card is considered to be a tough job.

After assuming the presidency in 2017, Trump had given the order to 'Buy American and Hire American'. After this order, priority was given to American workers for work in America and instructions were given to give business visas only for high-pay and high-skilled jobs. But this time Trump has said that you need a large number of workers for the companies and those people should be smart, you need talented people to take the country forward.

Every year thousands of students go to America for higher education. According to the data of 2023, about two lakh Indian students are doing graduation and post graduation from America. India ranks second among the citizens taking the highest number of green cards in America. According to the survey of CRS, about 65960 people have taken the US Green Card in 2022.