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Guru Purnima Divas Celebrated in Tripura. ICA Department Feliciteted Gurus

Guru Purnima Divas has been celebrated with due dignity by the Department of Information and Cultural Affairs at Muktdhara Auditorium in Agartala on Sunday.

On this day two eminent Gurus has been felicitated. Guru Purnima is a major festival dedicated to paying tribute to spiritual gurus and teachers. July 21, 2024 is Guru Purnima, a day of respect, appreciation and remembrance for the gurus who light our path with insight and understanding. 

We celebrate Guru Purnima for several reasons, all of which center on the importance of spiritual guidance and knowledge:

Guru Purnima is primarily a day to express gratitude and reverence to our Gurus. These Gurus can be formal spiritual teachers, lineage holders, or any person who imparts knowledge and wisdom that guides us on our path of life.

-Disciples traditionally pray, perform puja (worship rituals), and recite mantras (sacred chants) to express their gratitude and seek blessings for continued guidance.

-Hindu: Celebrates the birth anniversary of revered sage Veda Vyasa who compiled the Vedas, the basis of Hindu scriptures. He is regarded as the "Guru of Gurus" for his role in preserving and disseminating knowledge.

-Buddhists: Celebrate Guru Purnima as the day Gautama Buddha gave his first sermon at Sarnath in India. This sermon marked the beginning of his teachings and the Buddhist path to enlightenmen