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"I Will Not Step Back" Said Biden On US Presidential Election Candidature

After losing to Trump in America's first presidential debate, the demand for Biden to oust Trump from the race is increasing in the Democratic Party. Meanwhile, in an interview with ABC News, Biden said, "Unless God himself comes down and tells me to give up the candidacy, I will not step back."

Actually, Biden was asked whether he thinks he will lose to Trump. The ABC News anchor said that apart from his party leaders, people who donate to him are also demanding his resignation. To this, the President replied that this is never going to happen. He will contest the presidential election and will definitely defeat Trump. There is no better candidate than him in the Democratic Party.

On the other hand, former US President Donald Trump abused Biden after his defeat in the presidential debate. The Daily Beast released a video of Trump on Thursday.

In this, Trump, sitting with his son Barron, says, "Biden has withdrawn his candidacy in the election. He withdrew after debating with me. That means now we have Kamala Harris. I hope she will be better. But she is very bad." After this, Trump also abused Biden and Kamala Harris.

Less than four months are left for the presidential election in the US on November 5. Before that, the problems of 81-year-old President Joe Biden, who is contesting for a second term on behalf of the Democratic Party, and the party are not decreasing.

Biden's weak performance in the presidential debate on June 27 has increased the troubles of the entire party. Biden's popularity has decreased after this debate. Despite this, President Biden is adamant that he will remain in the race.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party's concern has increased because many people who donate to the party have openly said that either Biden should give up his insistence on contesting the presidential election or else they will stop giving election donations to the party. They do not expect Biden to win the election

Next Generation PAC, which collects election funds for the Democratic Party, has raised Rs 834 crore. It has said that this amount will be used for the candidate who replaces Biden. The PAC says that Biden should withdraw from the presidential race and Vice President Kamala Harris should be given a chance in his place. She can prove to be a better candidate than Biden.

Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings has publicly said Biden should step aside so a strong leader can defeat Trump. Hastings and his wife Patty Quillin are among the Democratic Party's biggest donors.

Gideon Stein, who runs a philanthropic organization, said his family is holding back donations worth $290 million until Biden leaves the race. He says most donors believe Democrats should field a new face to defeat Trump.
Disney Company owner and film producer Abigail E. Disney has said that Biden has served the country a lot but until the Democrats do not bring a new candidate, I will not make any donation.

Hollywood producer Damon Lindelof has donated Rs 1.25 crore for the 2024 elections. He has been attending many fund raiser events of Biden. He says that until Biden withdraws his name, he will not donate anything to the party.

If President Biden withdraws from the race and Vice President Kamala Harris replaces him, she can get Rs 1770 crore collected for the election campaign of the Democratic Party.

According to senior political law consultant Kenneth Gross, his campaign account was registered in the name of both candidates. If Biden withdraws from the presidential election, Kamala Harris can use that donation for her candidacy.