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Iran Increases Missile Production- Shows Settelite Images

Iran has been threatening Israel many times amidst the Israeli army's continuous attacks in Palestine. Now some pictures of Iran taken from intelligence satellites have come to light, after which doubts are being expressed whether Iran is making any big preparations. 

These pictures are of Modares and Khojir areas adjacent to Iran's capital Tehran, where a lot of activity is visible in two big factories. It is natural for America to be suspicious about these satellite pictures.

According to a report by international news agency Reuters, these factories manufacture ballistic missiles and drones and have grown significantly in recent months. It also claims that the missiles made here are being supplied to Russia as well as Hezbollah, while the drones are being supplied to Houthi rebels.

In this report, two American researchers have been quoted as saying that these satellite images show the increase in missile production there. According to the report, three senior Iranian officials have also confirmed this.

According to a Reuters report, Russia had made a deal to supply missiles with Iran in October 2022 after the Ukraine war broke out and only after that expansion was seen in these missile factories there. 

At the same time, according to US officials, Tehran also supplies missiles to Yemen's Houthi rebels and Lebanese militia Hezbollah. Both of them are members of the Iran-backed Axis of Resistance against Israel.

Images taken by commercial satellite company Planet Labs in March of the Modares Army Base and in April of the Khojir Missile Facility show more than 30 new buildings at both sites, both located near Tehran.

Experts say Iran's arsenal is already the largest in the Middle East. It is believed to have more than 3,000 missiles, including models designed to carry conventional and nuclear weapons.

According to the report, three senior Iranian officials, on the condition of anonymity, confirmed that these factories are being expanded in Modares and Khojir to increase the production of conventional ballistic missiles. 

One of these officials said that some new buildings here are used to make drones and this can double Iran's drone production.

The source said that these drones will be given to Houthi rebels who are constantly attacking Israel and the missiles will be given to Hezbollah. However, Iranian officials have not officially confirmed these claims.