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People of POK Themselves Would Join With India: Defense Minister Rajnath Singh

Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has made many big claims regarding India and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK). Rajnath Singh has said that India will never give up its claim on Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK) but there will be no need to take it by force as its people themselves would want to join it after seeing the development in Kashmir..

Rajnath Singh, in an exclusive interview with 'news agency PTI', said that the ground situation in Jammu and Kashmir has improved significantly and there will come a time when AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act) will not be required in the Union Territory.

However, the Defense Minister said that the matter is under the Union Home Ministry and it will take an appropriate decision. He said that elections will definitely be held in Jammu and Kashmir, but he did not give any deadline for it.

He said, “I think India will not have to do anything. The way the ground situation has changed in Jammu and Kashmir, the way economic progress is taking place in the region and the way peace has returned there, I think there will be a demand from the people of PoK for their merger with India. It should be."

He said that we will not have to use force to capture PoK because people will say that we should merge with India. Such demands are being raised now. The Defense Minister stressed that PoK was ours, is ours and will remain ours.

Citing improvement in the ground situation in Jammu and Kashmir, Singh said that assembly elections will be held there soon but he did not give any timeline for it.