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Tripura: Court Sealed ADM Office For Non Payment of Land Acquisition Money

On Monday afternoon, the court sealed the land acquisition office of the additional district magistrate of Sepahizla district. 

It is known that the office of Sipahizla District Magistrate is being built on the land of a private company. 

Later, the company filed a case in court in 2020 after not getting the money. The value of the said land was more than Rs 5 crore.

Later, on July 30, the Additional District Judge ruled on the case. 

But as the payment was due, the office of the land acquisition under the jurisdiction of the district magistrate has ben sealed.

Lawyers said that the office will remain locked until the real owner gets the right price of the land. 

Meanwhile, in the office of Additional District Magistrate of the Sepahizla district, there has been an uproar regarding the sealing of the land acquisition collection office on the orders of the court.

People are shocked about the court-ordered sealing of the Additional District Collector's office